Know Your Bible
Our plea has been (and always will be) to go “Back to the Bible." We believe the Bible is key to the salvation of mankind and living a successful Christian life. Therefore, we are issuing a few challenges to help our members get better acquainted with the Word of God (i.e.Know Your Bible).
It has been said,it takes about three months to form a new habit, so for the next few months we challenge our members to READ,PRAISE,MEMORIZE, and SERVE. That means, Read the Bible everyday (We have provided a schedule). Praise God everyday through times of daily devotion and attend every service of the church. Challenge yourself to memorize scripture. Find different ways to serve Christ each week.
Bible Memorization
Bible Memory SongsNote: We are currently working to make more songs available online.
Bible Reading Schedules
Service Project Ideas
Daily Devotional Guides